Valley Eye Associates
Location & Hours
- Address:
- 2500 E Capitol Dr, Ste 3500
- City:
- Appleton
- State:
- WI
- Zip:
- 54911
- Phone:
- 920-358-1820
- Fax:
- 920-358-1820
- Hours:
- Call for hours
Vision Plans Accepted:
Call for information
Optometrist Information
- Optometrist:
- Mindy Harrington
- School of Optometry:
- Michigan College of Optometry
Practice Emphasis:
- Children's vision
- Contact lens regular
- Contact lens specialty
- Contact lens specialty type: orthokeratology, scleral, MiSight
- Disease management
- Geriatric vision
- Glaucoma
- InfantSEE
- Surgery co-management
- Surgery co-management types: cataract/RL, LASIK, PRK, PTK, OSR, ICL, Intacs, Crosslinking
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