VISION USA - The Wisconsin Project
VISION USA – The Wisconsin Project is an independent program run by the Wisconsin Optometric Association (WOA), a non-profit association consisting of doctors of optometry that practice in Wisconsin. The program offers comprehensive eye care services to children age 18 and under who are from low income, working families and have no insurance which covers vision and eye health care. Applications will be accepted year-round, and if approved, the applicant will be sent information in order to contact a local doctor to set up an eye exam. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to contact the doctor and make the appointment. Each eligible child will receive a comprehensive eye examination at no cost. Note: WOA volunteer doctors provide these services, and a participating doctor may or may not be available in your area.
Eligibility requirements are as follows. Please read them carefully, to make sure your child qualifies:
1. Patients must be age 18 or under and enrolled in K-12 school in Wisconsin.
2. Patients must have NO insurance which covers eye care (this includes vision and eye health coverage through Medicaid, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and BadgerCare). If the patient has insurance that covers eye care, he or she will be denied an exam through VISION USA – The Wisconsin Project.
3. Patients must NOT have had an eye exam provided by an eye doctor within the last 12 months of applying for the program. If the patient has had an eye exam by an eye doctor within the 12 months of application, he or she will be denied an exam through VISION USA – The Wisconsin Project.
4. Family income must be within an established level according to household size; this is based upon the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines. **Parents or guardians must enclose either a copy of their most recent tax return, or a verification letter from the child’s school stating that the child qualifies for free/reduced lunch. If proper income verification is not included with the application, the application will be returned to the parent/guardian.
5. Parent or guardian of the child must be currently working at least part-time.
The applicant must meet ALL requirements to qualify for the program.
More than one person in each family may apply for a VISION USA exam, if eligibility requirements are met. Please submit one application per child.
For more information, contact the WOA at 1-877-435-2020. Please note: WOA staff does not speak Spanish.

Additional Information
Children's Vision Law - Wisconsin Statute Chapter 118.135
Attention Parents! Letter From the WOA President
Kindergarten Eye Health Examination Report Form - English
Kindergarten Eye Health Examination Report Form - Spanish
VISION USA - The Wisconsin Project Doctor Participation Form