To avoid CVS, WOA members recommend practicing the “20-20-20 rule” when using digital devices for an extended period of time. Users should take a 20 second break during every 20 minutes of device use in order to look at something that is approximately 20 feet away. Included in the press release below are additional recommendations from WOA to help prevent or reduce vision and eye health problems associated with CVS.
While tips and technology are useful, there is no substitute for receiving a comprehensive, yearly eye exam from your licensed eye doctor. All claims aside, there is truly no “app” that can ever replace an eye doctor’s services for a person’s proper vision and eye health care. Comprehensive eye exams from your eye doctor preserves your vision, accurately assesses your eye health, ensures diagnosis of an eye disorder/disease, and determines if you need corrective lenses.
Visit for a list of licensed eye doctors in your area.

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