Honors and Member Recognition
The Wisconsin Optometric Association believes it is important to recognize members who go above and beyond the call of duty. There are a number of awards presented each year at the WOA Convention and Annual Meeting that recognize and thank these members for their contribution to the profession of optometry.
Optometrist of the Year
The Optometrist of the Year Award is presented to an optometrist who has been outstanding in serving and representing the profession of optometry. The nominees are scored in the areas of public service, service to the visual welfare of the public, service to optometry, and service to optometric associations. Nominations are submitted by WOA members and then reviewed by an Awards Committee for selection. The WOA Optometrist of the Year is then nominated for the AOA Optometrist of the Year award the following year.
Young Optometrist of the Year
The Young Optometrist of the Year Award is presented to an optometrist who has been in practice less then 10 years and has shown leadership in the areas of service to optometry, service to the visual welfare of the public, and who has demonstrated a commitment to public service. Nominations are submitted by WOA members which are then reviewed by an Awards Committee. The award is given to the doctor who best meets the criteria listed above. The WOA Young Optometrist of the Year is then nominated for the AOA Young Optometrist award the following year.
Life Members
Active members of the WOA may be elected to Life Membership by the WOA Board of Directors provided that the local society in which the Active Member holds membership has approved the proposal of Life Membership and the Active Member has held an Active Membership for no less than 45 total years.
Past Presidents
The WOA has existed for over 116 years! Each of those years, one special member is elected by his/her peers to represent the association as president. The WOA president volunteers their time and talents for the profession of optometry. Serving as president requires doctors to take time away from their families, practices and patient schedules. In order to recognize our past leaders for their contributions, the WOA maintains a list of WOA past presidents and honors them each year at the WOA Annual Convention.

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