CE Requirements for License Renewal
Doctors of Optometry in Wisconsin are required to attend 30 hours of education every two years in order to maintain their license to practice. The licensing biennium runs from December 15 of the odd numbered year through December 14 of the next odd numbered year.
Basic Continuing Education Requirements
The education attended must be approved either by the Wisconsin Optometry Examining Board (OEB) or by the Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE). Additional requirements for continuing education include:
- 20 of the required 30 hours shall relate to ocular health, conditions, or disease management, or the removal of superficial foreign bodies from an eye or from an appendage to the eye.
- 10 of the 30 hours can be on other approved topics including practice management, functional vision, contact lenses, jurisprudence, low vision and general optometry.
- 20 of the 30 hours must be completed by attending programs live and in-person. Up to 10 hours may be earned by attending approved online courses.
- 1 hour of education on the topic of responsible prescribing of controlled substances is required for those doctors holding a current DEA license during the 2024-2025 biennium.
Online Continuing Education
In Wisconsin, our understanding is that 20 of the 30 required hours must be completed by attending programs onsite and in-person as stated in Opt 8 of the statutes. Courses may be approved as a live webinar, but that is different than in person CE. Live and on-demand webinars would both count towards the 10 hours of continuing education that may be earned online.
Renewals for New Licensees
Doctors obtaining a license during the first year of the biennium, must obtain 15 hours of approved education. Doctors who are licensed in the second year of the current biennium are not required to earn continuing education. Regardless of whether you are required to earn CE or not, you must still renew your license.
The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services audits approximately 10% of licensees each education cycle to ensure they have taken the required education. Be sure to keep record of the continuing education hours you earn.

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